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Annick Bouvattier

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With these paintings, Annick Bouvattier show us humans transforming the environment to suit their needs or his dreams of greatness. And also flora which, spring after spring, is reborn to resplendish the world with all the beauty of nature.

HIROSHIMA MON AMOUR. 116x81 cm - oil on Canvas APOCALYPSE NOW. 150x150 cm - oil on Canvas CANYON BVD. 100x89 cm - oil on Canvas BRUISSEMENT. 120x120 cm - oil on Canvas LA BOIRE. 80x40 cm - oil on Canvas ECLOSION. 120x120 cm - oil on Canvas CLAIR DE LUNE. 60x60 cm - oil on Canvas NUIT BLANCHE. 60x60 cm - oil on Canvas QUI S'Y FROTTE S'Y PIQUE. 116x81 cm - oil on Canvas COEUR DE LYS. 80x80 cm - oil on Canvas
©2011 - Annick BouvattierConception Arbor[é]sens Numériques pictogramArbor[é]sens